hujan lebat dlm hati

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

da 4bln aku sewa umh ni...sorg2..sume bnde sorg2..kalau sdey cmne pun,kne la pjuk dri sndri,tenangkan dri sndri..mase kje kt quality hotel,hmpir2 ptus smgt tuk truskan idup aku kt sini,mcm2 bde jd,wat ape pun sume xkne..aku xjd dri aku sndri,total stranger,..aku jd btol2 down,smpai doc cnfirmkan aku ade hyper tension,pergh...dlm keperitan idup sorg2 tu,Allah limpahkan sinarNya pada dri ku yg kerdil ni..syukur..Allah bukakan jln tuk aku,bg kekuatan kt aku..syukur,aku mmpu tuk tenang kmbali,idup terurus,kerja ok,sume nye ok smpai aku mmpu snyum tiap hari..

syukur Alhamdulillah..

abes je kt quality hotel,aku trus kje as tourist guide..kje smbil blja..aku kje n g training skali..but still im all alone..aku truskan bedoa tuk dptkan ptunjuk dlm idup sharian ku..syukur,Tuhan beri jwpan kat aku tiap kali aku berdoa kpd Nya..slm mse same ade jgk aku bdoa tuk jdoh aku,yela,umur da 25,tgk kwn2 rmai da kwen,tringin skali nk kwen n ade tman idup..Tuhan bg ptunjuk tp dlm mse sama bg ujian kt aku..3org gadis hadir dlm idup aku..berlainan gaya dan aku gagal dlm menentukan yg mne satu sbb ttbe aku tgk diri aku lgsung xlyk tuk sape2..sorg kwn nsht kan aku,nk jg n bmbing org,make sure improve dri sndri dlu smpai yakin nk amek tggjwb..

kje baru ni wat aku lg tension..sume cine kot..20org cine then aku sorg je mlayu..dgn dorg xbgaul ngn aku nye,bos pun skali naek kpala,briefing dlm mndarin..haish..down...down..pstu kesah cinta pun dia lg melayan kwn2 dye n kwn2 aku lbh dr aku..sigh..aku kmbali xtng,kusut,serabut,tension n ptah smgt..kekuatan pun da ilang..maybe btol la,aku xlyk tuk sesiapa..hmmm

rainbow and rain after the storm

Friday, May 27, 2011

well,here i am,again...writing my blog..
its been a while i guess,'s the story behind it..2month a go,i lost my love,i lost my nyssa. shouldn't have blame her though,everyone has their reason for leaving someone,rite?been mental breakdown since cost me the whole month to totally forget bout her(lying)..we've been together for 3years n pooom suddenly,she want to breakup, leaving me for another guy(her ex)..demn an instant she hate me n totally forget bout me..arrrgh.. i've been alone throughout these 3months,n finally regain my strength back..thnks to my chef and frenz that hav been there for me..most of all sykur alhamdulillah..

tahun baru...azam tetap no satu..heheh

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

sblum thn 2010 berakhir smpat jgk la kami satu family berkmpul kat KL neh..lame mne da xdpt brkmpul sume skali...t aritu termakbul,syukur ...

kdg2 kite terlupa...terlalai

Sunday, October 31, 2010

salam to all...juz wanna express my feeling,my regret...huhu..sometimes we are too busy focusing on somthing that we tot it is really2 importants witout realising that we forgetting something that actually the most important thing in your life...or should i said some1?...last week i was too bz taking care bout the ptptn and the blood-sucking college witout knowing that im letting go of my responsibilities to my precious one..khairunnisa bt muhamad sorry syg...wont happen again

Friday, October 29, 2010

26hb aritu...dak2 kolej kite sepakat wat bantahan kat kolej...puan sharifah yg sket pnye payah nk jpe students tu akhirnye trpkse kuar dr "sarang" dye coz dak2 da ramai kt dpn kolej tuh and tmbh plak da ade wrtwan dtg...baru nk glabah...aku tabik la dak2 kolej sume...leh brsatu tegakkan hak aku pelik la,dua hari bturut2 wat mogok,seap ade wrtwan n pgwai kmntrian dtg tp nape xde msuk mne2 akhbar n tv?kat radio pn xde pape...laporan polis pn da buat,tp skit habuk pn xde pape jd...adekah kolej maen politik wang? tu pn duit students..hmm...mkn duit students,idup senang kt dunia je la wahai management yg bangang..kt akhirat t xkemane

tahniah kpd sume dak2 kolej...anda sume mmg hebat,mantop...hahahah..insyaAllah perjuangan kite ni akan mnjd kenyataan,asalkan kite sume bersatu

this time i'll introduce you to my housemates...huhu the best so far..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

dak5 umah aku neh sume ade karakter stkat ni alhmdllah ktorg xde gaduh5,sume kpala gile...hehehe..da genap sthn da duk Apartment Melur, Blok A15-7 neh...tup5 msg5 da nk grad..tgl sbln je lg tuk ktorg spend time same5...

hahah this boy here is shamin azwar..he love to lol a lot.but he's quite secretive bout his probs..nver want to trouble his frens..go Megat...hahah

this is is Nick Ricko James, the youngest one among all of us..funny in character

haaa..Putera Ikmal Ismail...the heir of Sultan to sleep a lot and love to play dota

jeng5...Fiqudin Fiq@fiq...ahahah the musician..hopefully he will be famous one day

hahah this one is Ahmad one could make him move from the sofa everytime he's FB-ing...

this is me and my family..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

introducing,kak long n abg ipar,abg rizal
                                                    this one is my chubby sis n her son, faqeh
this is my angah and his beloved wife
they are my brothers, twin..angah n ateh
this is ateh and his wife ain

the blue one is my younger sister, hana.
lastly, this is me.Fairuz Hj Nordin

so this is me and my family in brief...

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